Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Use The Right Tool For The Job

For my first post I would just like to rant about using the right tool for the job. I came across a client recently that is using Microsoft Access to query against tables that contain several hundred thousand rows. Guess what? It wasn't working too well. The client was wasting their valuble time waiting for these queries to run when they could have been doing something more productive.

A tool such as SQL Server or Oracle would be better able to handle this task- but guess what- IT at this location does not want to spend the money to install either system. I then mentioned MySQL, which is free- but the pushback I got was that it is "Open Source". So I guess it's better for my client to waste hours of time every month rather than IT taking the time to install the "Open Source" free software on her machine.... Right.... It's obvious that these IT personnel are not versed in basic financial concepts such as Cost/Benefit and ROI.

My point is that in any situation or process it is absolutely vital to use the right tool for the job. It's like using a sledgehammer to break down a wall vs. a jackhammer. One will SEEM to cost less in the short term while costing you much more in lost productivity long term.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well said.